Andersen published the 1st edition of the European Corporate Legal Insights Magazine

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, the European Union has coordinated numerous measures to strengthen public health systems and mitigate the socio-economic impact among the Member States. The priority has been to limit the spread of the virus and support employment, businesses, and the economy.

In this respect, the different European countries have implemented shock plans aimed at protecting their economies, with a direct impact on foreign investment, which in many cases has seen restrictions imposed on business in certain countries. Given the doubts and uncertainties that these measures generate, Andersen in Europe publishes its first magazine, European Corporate Legal Insights, which devotes its main section to analysing the measures adopted by the different countries in response to the Covid-19 crisis and their impact on foreign investment and the restrictions that they are experiencing.

Dimitra Gkanatsiou  -senior associate and Nicky Xenofontos Fournia – legal advisor contributed to this effort by providing a high – level overview of the measure that the Greek and the Cypriot government are taking in response to the COVID-19 as of the time of the publication.

The first edition includes the following topics:

  • Restrictions on foreign investment from the COVID-19 crisis adopted by European countries.
  • Opinion | Cuba: a year of the Helms-Burton, by Ignacio Aparicio, Partner in Andersen Spain and coordinator of the Corporate Legal Service Line for Andersen in Europe.
  • Opinion | Force majeure clauses and the COVID-19 pandemic, by João Valbom Baptista, Associate in Andersen in Portugal.

Download the magazine here: European Corporate Legal Insights