Posted in News, News for Greece
Tax treatment of invisible company
According to the law, non-cooperative states are those that are not member states of the European Union, their situation, regarding the transparency and exchange of information in tax matters, has been examined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation …
Posted in News, News for Greece
The Andersen Legal Briefing: Volume 2
The second issue of the Andersen Legal Magazine, “The Andersen Legal Briefing” is now available online. Our team of passionate professionals sheds light on the most interesting news and legal developments. In this issue, …
Posted in News, News for Greece
The Interviews Series: Mr. Leonidas Christopoulos, Secretary General of Digital Governance
In this episode, the Journalist Nektarios Notis talks with the Secretary General of Digital Governance Mr. Leonidas Christopoulos about the digital transformation of the public sector and the businesses themselves.
Posted in News, News for Greece
Obligation to pay VAT in case of delivery of property with suspension
According to the law, non-cooperative states are those that are not member states of the European Union, their situation, regarding the transparency and exchange of information in tax matters, has been examined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation …
Posted in News, News for Greece
Employment Event: Facing Global Economic Crisis and Inflation – Impact on Employment Relations in Europe
Andersen´s Employment group in Europe has organized a hybrid event covering different strategies to face the current economic challenges with minimum impact for multinational companies.
Posted in News, News for Greece
Extension of Deadlines for the Convening of the Ordinary General Meetings of Legal Persons for the year 2022
Article 21 of the new Law 4965/2022 extends by fifty (50) calendar days the deadlines for the convening of the ordinary general meetings of Société Anonymes (S.A.), private limited companies (P.C.), and limited liability companies (L.L.C.) for the fiscal year 2022.
Posted in News, News for Greece
Violence and harassment at work: Categories of fines
A new decision of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs sets out the fines imposed on the employer for violation of the principle of prohibition of violence and harassment in the workplace. The fines can be divided into two (2) broader categories,…
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, News for Greece
Employment Event, September 15th: Facing Global Economic Challenges and Inflation
The world is facing major challenges. First, the pandemic paralyzed large parts of the economy, which many states and employers in Europe coped with at great cost and effort. Just as the states were reducing the pandemic-related restrictions, the economy was returning to its growth path …
Posted in News, News for Greece
Cryptocurrencies in Greece- Q&A
Crypto-assets have attracted the interest of investors on a global scale, including Greece. Is there a legislative framework to regulate the cryptocurrency market in Greece? Which body regulates crypto- assets and related services in Greece? What will the European Parliament’s proposal for a Regulation (MiCa) contribute to the crypto-assets markets?
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, News for Greece
Εuropean Corporate Insights Magazine: Doing Business in Uncertain Times
In this publication we address “Doing Business in uncertain times” as one of the topics that have special interest for companies with multinational activities, and especially those doing business in Europe.