Posted in News, News for Cyprus, News for Greece
European Guide to Tax Regime for Holding Companies
In this insight, professionals from Andersen’s International Tax Practice in Europe explore the evolving tax landscape for holding companies in several jurisdictions across the Region and highlight recent developments that are shaping their tax regimes.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, News for Greece
Artificial Intelligence Act: What’s new?
Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our lives, and its impact on various industries, including the legal tech sector, cannot be ignored. The recent proposal of the European Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Act has sparked discussions about the future of AI regulation.
Posted in News, News for Greece
Significant reformation of the Greek labour legislation under new Law 5053/2023
New Law 5053/2023 on the reinforcement of employment brings significant changes Greek labour legislation as it introduces new regulations and obligations for employers regarding the conclusion of the employment agreement, new and flexible ways of employment …
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus News: Zero VAT on essential goods
The approved amendment includes the imposition of 0% VAT rate, from 1 November 2023 until 30 April 2024, for the below goods:
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, News for Greece
European Employment Insights: Newsletter Sep 23
The Andersen Employment and Labor Law Service Line is proud to present it’s first monthly newsletter. Andersen Employment and Labor Service Line is your go-to partner for navigating the complexities of local and international labor laws and customs
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus News: Transfer Pricing Documentation & Simplification Measures
The Cyprus Tax Department issued a Circular for documenting related-party transactions and introducing simplification measures for various types of intercompany transactions that may be applied, provided that the relevant taxpayer is not obliged to maintain a Cyprus Local File based on the provisions of the Income Tax Law.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus News: Russia suspends DTT with Cyprus
Russia suspended certain main articles of 38 DTTs concluded by Russia with so-called “unfriendly” states, including Cyprus. The list of 38 “unfriendly countries” encompasses a wide array of nations from different regions of the world.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus News: VAT reduced for certain goods and services
Value Added Tax (VAT) has been reduced from 5% to either 3% or 0% for certain goods and services.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, News for Greece
Εuropean Corporate Insights Magazine: The EU Supply Chain Act
The proposed European Supply Chain Act (also known as CS3D) mandates that companies within the European Union (EU) must take comprehensive measures to address social and environmental impacts throughout their entire supply chain.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus News: Transfer Pricing – CUP Method
The Inland Revenue Department has clarified that the most appropriate method for financing transactions for transfer pricing purposes is the Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) method, effective from the tax year 2023 onwards.